Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"are you a showgirl or something?" "i'm a bunny. i'm wearing ears."

hell week is almost over. having a test 3 days after halloween (aka after 4 days of COMPLETE drunken semi-naked black/passouts and pukage) should definitely be illegal.. ATTENTION my criminology methods teacher!

i've been having debilitating foot cramps today. too much baclava while laying in bed watching grey's/criminal minds/dexter will do that to you apparently. i haven't even had a day to do single-girl shit in forever, so the gods of fitness can kiss my ass. in a similar vein, i had checkers for dinner tonight. fail fail FAILLLL.

tomorrow i'll be working, aka tell my boss how to spell things like "menu" and "verizon", going to 2 classes, gettin muh bangs trimmed, seeing Easy A with some russian bitch <3, and COAT SHOPPING! that's one of the things i love about living in florida-- you can put off buying freakishly expensive winter garments until way later than just about anyone else in the usa. that, my friend, is the win of the day.

also, a note completely worthy of fully popped up in the kitchen today. "the coffeepot has white mold in it. please clean it out." before you go "wow, that's pretty gross and actually a totally reasonable statement", consider 4 things:
1. it's my fucking coffeepot and
2. you don't even USE IT and
3. i've been listening to you have orgasms for a week and somehow still functioning without coffee for long enough that the remnants have grown mold. THAT IS PRETTY FUCKING IMPRESSIVE. so,
4. suck my dick. because i can write passive aggressive notes too. stay tuned... ;)

off to work on a project due friday that i procrastinated. (who, ME? procrastinate?! wash your mouth out with moldy coffee.)

xo with a vengeance,

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